Alpine Club Vienna: Hiking in Austria


Summer hike in Osttirol

2025-08-14 by Zuzanna Brzozowska & Emile Schenk

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Membership number of Alpenverein* :
Transport* :
Notes :
I agree* :
I agree to all 6 points below
1) I have read the participation conditions and agree with all of them
2) I am a member of the Alpenverein and I have paid my membership for the year of the event
3) I am technically able and physical fit to participate in this event.
4) When travelling in someone else's car: I understand and agree to this "Limitation ot the liablity of the driver". Document in German: "Haftungsbeschränkung". Google translation in English here.
5) I agree that my data entered on this page is saved by the Alpine Club Vienna to organise this event. Alpine Club Vienna may pass this data on to other participants of this event. Alpine Club Vienna may send me emails about other events within 6 months of this event. Registration data will be deleted 3 years after the date of the event.
6) Pictures and videos of me might be taken during the event. By taking part in the event, I agree that any photos taken during the event may be published on the websites and other media of the Alpine Club Vienna and the Alpenverein (unremunerated).
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Hiking in Austria, Climbing in Austria, Snowshoeing in Austria, Ski touring in Austria