The classic public transport hike in Hausberge. From Kaiserbrunn to Krumbachstein and down through Lackabodengraben and Eng direct to the train station in Payerbach. We will pass some rocky terrain. Normally very nice views of Schneeberg and into Hollental.
17km, 1000m ascend, all well doable by sunset.
Route details:
The hut is closed so you must bring enough fluids, picnic lunch and snack for the day. Study ankle high boots, warm clothes (I strongly recommend extra pair of gloves and spare socks), hiking poles and groedl (small spikes, Eng can be possibly a bit icy)
I will meet you in the bus as I will be joining in Hirschwang an der Rax. I'll send the logistics details to those registered.
The hike can be cancelled if the weather forecast turns bad, but so far it looks good.