On Saturday at 9am we will take the Seilbahn to Krippenstein. From there we will do Rumplerrunde and sky down to Simonyhut, where we will stay over the night.
On Sunday we will do a Skitour on the glacier and (based on the condition even climb the Hoher Dachstein via Dachstein Rundkluft Klettersteig, which is B in the summer, but can be quite interesting in the winter). Afterwards we will have a really long sky down from 2280m down to the parking lot at 600m, From there we will return to Vienna.
I already booked 7 places at Lager at Simony Hut, which can be cancelled free of charge at the time when registration closes, in case not enough people are interested. At the time of registration closing, I will be requesting 10 eur deposit, to cover any last minute cancellations.
As this is a serious event I will be only taking people who has been skitouring with me before.
When registering please indicate:
1) if you want half pension at Simonyhutte or just want Bergsteiger essen.
2) if you want to leave already on Friday evening and sleep somewhere in Obertraun or if you prefer to leave Saturday 5:30 from Vienna