Alpine Club Vienna: Hiking in Austria

Last-minute Sunday bike trip through Podyjí National Park on 08 September 2024

organized by Zuzanna Brzozowska  contact organizer
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Title :
Last-minute Sunday bike trip through Podyjí National Park
Date :
Sun 08.09.2024
Registration starts :
Registration until :
Type of event :
Bike Tour
Organized by :
Zuzanna Brzozowska
Description :

I am planning to go for a bike trip in the Podyjí National Park (German: Nationalpark Thayatal) at the Austrian-Czech border. The starting and ending point is Retz which is reachable from Vienna by train in about 1.5 hours. The train runs every hour and we would take a morning train, either around 8:00 or 9:00 am. 

In Retz there is a swimming pool so you might want to take swim gear with you (29 degrees are forecasted for Sunday).

The route is about 47 km long (possible to extent by further 20 km) mostly on asphalt and forest roads. A trekking bike should be enough, although on the Czech side there might be some stretches where a MTB might make the pedaling a bit easier.

Technical requirements :
T1, I can move myself surefootedly on trails and narrow foot-paths
Physical requirements :
K2, 4-7 hours / day; up and down
Duration in hours and
elevation gain :
between 4 and 6 hours, depending on which route we take plus train ride
Max. altitude in metres :
Equipment :
bike, helmet, puncture kit, pump, water, snacks
Transport Details :

Train from Vienna (stops at many different stations) to Retz and back

When registring, please write whether you have a Klimaticket or Vorteilscard or any other disount. For people who do not have one, it might be cheaper to buy an Einfach-Raus-Ticket.

Max participants :
Map :
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Hiking in Austria, Climbing in Austria, Snowshoeing in Austria, Ski touring in Austria