Alpine Club Vienna: Hiking in Austria

Ferrata season opening practice (suitable for beginners) on 14 April 2024

organized by Mateusz Żółtak  contact organizer
Event is closed

Title :
Ferrata season opening practice (suitable for beginners)
Date :
Sun 14.04.2024
Registration starts :
Registration until :
Type of event :
Klettersteig (Via Ferrata)
Organized by :
Mateusz Żółtak
Description :

Spring is coming so it's time to refresh our ferrata skills. Or try out if it's something for us.

We will go to the ferrata training wall next to the Weichtalhaus.

The training wall offers routes of difficulties ranging for A to E/F (topo) so it's suitable both from complete beginners and people trying to test their limits.

We will also practice absailing, most important knots, etc.

If someone gets bored or tired, the hut is literally around the corner.

Technical requirements :
T2, Rough areas, broken rocks and boulder fields are not a problem for me. I am sure-footed and free of dizziness
Physical requirements :
K1, 2-4 hours / day; up and down
Duration in hours and
elevation gain :
~6h, no more than 30 m altitude gain (but repeated many times)
Max. altitude in metres :
Equipment :
ferrrata set, harness, helmet
Transport Details :

If we have enough cars, by car. If we don't, the bus stops next to the Weichtalhaus parking lot.

Max participants :
Map :
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Hiking in Austria, Climbing in Austria, Snowshoeing in Austria, Ski touring in Austria