Alpine Club Vienna: Hiking in Austria

Regular Wednesday Climbing on 22 January 2025

organized by Radek Dostal  contact organizer
>> Please register at the site mentioned in the text.

Title :
Regular Wednesday Climbing
Date :
Wed 22.01.2025
Registration starts :
Registration until :
Type of event :
Organized by :
Radek Dostal
Description :

During winter time (or in summer when weather is bad) some members of Alpine Club Vienna go regularly every Wednesday to We start usually around 18:00 and finish depending on our stamina (between 20:30 and 23:00).

If you want to join us, just contact me (use contact organizer link on top of the page) with information about your exprience/skills.

Technical requirements :
T3, I feel fine in difficult technical conditions and have mountain experience. I can manage to climb up and down without a rope on routes of climbing difficulty UIAA grade 1+
Physical requirements :
K1, 2-4 hours / day; up and down
Duration in hours and
elevation gain :
Max. altitude in metres :
Equipment :
Transport Details :

Kletterhallewien is well accessible both with car (take exit Kagran/Donaustadt from A23 and there is a big parking lot in front of it) and public transport (U1 to Kagran and than Tram 25 or Bus 26A to Station Polgarstraße).

I usually arrive with S80 which arrives at 17:42 to Erzherzog-Karl-Straße, but be aware S80 only goes every 30 minutes, so you need to time it correctly.

Max participants :
Map :
>> Please register at the site mentioned in the text.
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Hiking in Austria, Climbing in Austria, Snowshoeing in Austria, Ski touring in Austria