Alpine Club Vienna: Hiking in Austria

Cancelled: First Aid in the Mountains course on 18 November 2023

organized by Roger Starkie  contact organizer
>> Please register at the site mentioned in the text.

Title :
Cancelled: First Aid in the Mountains course
Date :
Sat 18.11.2023
Registration starts :
Registration until :
Type of event :
Organized by :
Roger Starkie
Description :

** Course cancelled by the Sektion **

Have you ever been in the situation in the mountains that something has happened to somebody, and you didn't know how to react? The situation in the mountains is different to situations at home, at work, or in a city, where you can be reasonably confident that, in an emergency situation, help will arrive within a few minutes.  In the mountains, depending on terrain, weather, mobile phone reception, help could take significantly longer before help arrives.

This day long course, which will take place in the Rotenturmstrasse, will give you some insight into how to handle emergency situations where somebody is injured, and is recommended for all our members who are regularly in the mountains - especially those who organise trips for the ACV.

Cost for our members: €35.  Priority will be given to active members within the ACV until shortly before registrations close.

Further Details and Registration

Technical requirements :
T0, No requirements
Physical requirements :
No requirements
Duration in hours and
elevation gain :
Max. altitude in metres :
Equipment :
Transport Details :
Max participants :
Map :
>> Please register at the site mentioned in the text.
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Hiking in Austria, Climbing in Austria, Snowshoeing in Austria, Ski touring in Austria